10 Jun 2012

Victoria Sponge

Nguyên liệu
175g cho mỗi bơ, đường và bột mì nổi số 8
1 gói bột nổi
3 trứng gà loại lớn
1 ống vani

Cách làm
Làm nóng lò nướng
Ray bột bằng ray nhuyễn để bột đuợc trộn đều với không khí

Cho đường và bơ vào máy đánh trứng, đánh cho vừa đặc, thêm trứng vào đánh tiếp. Chú ý cho từng trứng một vào để hỗn hợp đường bơ và trứng được trộn đều

Thêm bột mì đã ray, bột nổi và vani vào trộn đều với hỗn hợp trứng, bơ và đường

Thoa bơ vào 2 khay rồi chia đều hỗn hợp trên vào

Nướng bánh ở nhiệt độ 150 độ khoảng 20 phút.
Lấy bánh để nguội. Trãi đều mứt dâu vào 1 bánh và úp bánh còn lại vào.

Tương đậu phộng

Nguyên liệu
- 4 muỗng bơ đậu phộng
- 4 muỗng nước.
- 1 muỗng tương đen
- 1 muỗng đường
- 1 muỗng nước tương
- 1/2 trái chanh
- Ớt

Cách làm
Chô 4 muỗng bơ đậu phộng và 4 muỗng đường quậy đều trên chảo. Thêm 1 muỗng tương đen, đường và 1/2 trái chanh. Thêm nước tương nhiều it tùy theo thích màu đậm hay nhạt.
Thêm vài lát ớt là chén tương đậu phộng đã sẵn sàng dùng.

5 Jun 2012

Teaming with Intel Pro/1000 MT Dual port PCX on Windows 2008 R2

Unfortunately Intel has stopped supporting teaming for their own network card Intel Pro/1000 MT Dual port PCX on Windows 2008 R2. Don't know why but they think it is not my business ...hmm
To overcome this issue I found a solution from great internet and would like brief it here for your guys
  1. Download the Intel Networking solutions CD v15.3 from here: http://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?agr=Y&ProdId=879&DwnldID=19002&lang=eng
  2. Extract the files
  3. Use device manager to update the drivers for the Intel Pro1000 MT NICs. I had to do each independently.
  4. You can now run the ProSet install from V15.3_CD\APPS\PROSETDX\Winx64\ProSetDX.msi and it will succeed.
  5. You will now see the TABS for Teaming etc in the properties of the NIC via Device Manager.
You owe me a beer :-)

Intel stopped this CD for downloaded from their site. Don't know why?????? Try alternative link below

Alternative way was tested and worked fine on my system
1. Download and install WinX64.exe driver from Intel
2. When it says "..no Intel adapter card found..." do not click on OK
3. Search for folder PRO1000. If you run as your domain administrator account it must be in C:\Users\Administrator.domain.local\AppData\Local.....
4. Copy parent folder of PRO1000 which includes other folders such as APPS,....
5. Click OK on the pop up window at step 2
6. Manual update driver for each Intel Pro 1000 MT adapter in Device Manager by using driver in PRO1000\Winx64\NDIS61
7. Run Intel WinX64.exe again and it will work

3 Jun 2012

Great beef steak

-Two slides of tender beef steak (3-5 cm thick)
-Rub the steak with vegetable oil, wait for few minutes then season with salt and pepper otherwise the salt will start to eat into the meat and dry it out.
-Heat the solid pan in 200 degree in 15 minutes before start cooking
-Put the steak into the pan and don't touch it until 2 minutes then turn over. Put more oil if it is not sizzling but keep the heat high.
-Sear for 2 minutes more and then turn again.
-Take the steak out and leave it to rest for 5 minutes before you serve. Remember the steak will continue to cook while it is resting.
...I am starve :-)

Move BESX to new server

1. Install BESX on new server
2. Modify firewall if any
3. Download and install BlackBerry Enterprise Transporter files
  • Browse to http://us.blackberry.com/support/server_resourcekit.jsp
  • Click on Download BlackBerry Enterprise Resource Kit 
  • Select BlackBerry Enterprise Resource Kit V5.0 SP3. Don't click on Next button but just look down and download BlackBerry Enterprise Transporter 5.0 Service Pack 3
 4. Install and run BlackBerry Enterprise Transporter and follow 4 steps to migrate user from old BESX to new BESX

Make sure BlackBerry Administration Service type on both old and new BESX must be the same (Active Directory or BlackBerry Administration Service authentication) otherwise you will get the BAS assignment error when migrating.

Good luck

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