15 Oct 2010

Move WSS3.0 from one to another server

Move WSS3.0 from one to another server


Source: SQL 2000 Std Server SP4+Win 2003 Server SP+WSS3.0
Destination: SQL 2005 Std Server+Win 2003 Server SP2 +WSS3.0


1. On Source SQL Server: Backup SharePoint Content databases.
  • Open SQL Server Enterprise manger
  • Right Click a database (For ex: WSS_Content)->All Tasks->;Backup Database->Database Complete->Backup to disk->Add->Filename->Provide a path &; filename->Ok->Ok
  • Repeat above procedure for all SharePoint databases (Sharepoint_AdminContent_xxx, Sharepoint_Config) however we will not restore all of them.
  • (Do not restore database Sharepoint_AdminContent_xxx, Sharepoint_Config on new SQL Server)

How to find name of Content databases:
Central Admin->Application Management->Content databases->Select web application from Right Hand Side Top drop down list. Database name will be displayed


2. On SharePoint Server: Take screenshots of all configured setting on Central administration page

  • Central Admin->Operations->Global Configuration->Alternate access mappings
  • Central Admin->Operations->Outgoing email settings
  • Central admin->Application management->Define managed paths
  • etc.


  • We must install either same or later version than source SQL Server
  • Open SQL Server Enterprise manger
  • Security->Logins->Right Click->New Login
  • Add SharePoint Service Account in Domain\user format
  • This account must be either Domain admin or Domain user with Local admin rights on SharePoint server.
  • Security->Logins->Right Click Service Account->Properties->Server Roles Tab
  • Check Security Administrators & Database Creators
  • Click Ok

  • Copy backup Content database files to Destination SQL Server
  • Open SQL Server Enterprise manger
  • Databases->Right Click->All Tasks->Restore database->Restore as Database->Type name of Content Database->From device->Select device->disk->Add->Browse to backup files->Ok->Ok
  • Similarly restore all Content databases from backup
  • Security->Logins->Service Account->Database Access Tab->In upper pane select Content database->In lower pane check DB_OWNER checkbox->Click Ok
Pls noted that the restore process may take hours to complete depends on database size and how powerful your SQL server is. Mine is Proliant ML370G5 Quad Core Xeon, 4GB RAM takes 4 hours to restore 10GB database :-(

    Install WSS3.0 on new server

    • Run SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration (PSCONFIG ) Wizard
    • Select No, I want to create a new server farm

    • Database Server: Give Destination SQL Server name (same sql server name or instance as in step 2)
    • Database Name: Type new Config Database Name
    • Username: Use same Service account as used in existing old server
    • Password: Password for that account

    • We should get configuration successful message.
    • After PSCONFIG finishes successfully Central admin page will open automatically.


    Create a new web application http://app on port 80 with content database name WSS_Content_TEST
    • Go to V3 Central Administration Page->Application Management->Create or extend Web Application
    • Click on Create a new web application
    • Choose any unused port number
    • Enter Database Server Name and enter Database name as WSS_Content_TEST
    • Wait for operation to complete
    • After application is created create a site collection
    • Fill the details and select Team site template click Ok
    • Browse to test site http://app
    • Check if it is working

    To remove dummy_content_db (WSS_Content_TEST) from a web application

    • Click on Content Databases
    • On right hand side select the newly created web application if not already present
    • Click on Database name WSS_Content_TEST
    • Check remove content database checkbox and click OK

    To attach restored content database to a new web application:
    • Go to V3 Central Administration Page->Application Management->Sharepoint Web Application management->Content Databases->Add a content database->Enter database server and database name (WSS_Content)-> Click OK

    Now browse to http://app and check if it is working
    Similarly add content databases for other web applications.

    Do NOT discard Source SQL Server and Databases until the functionality of New SQL Server and WSS3.0 is tested and confirmed.

    12 Oct 2010

    Copy A WSS 3.0 Site to Another

    This is a method I use for small business customers to provide them with a 'sandbox' environment they can play in. But this applies to you as well.  

    Your 'Production' environment would be the old site/server, the 'sandbox' site would be your new server/site -- http://blog.brainlitter.com/archive/2009/03/09/how-to-refresh-a-sharepoint-sandbox-collection-with-production.aspx

    However, if you aren't moving a whole site collection, here's your solution for moving just a subsite with all the various bits and bobs (there are other methods like save site as template, etc. but they have severe limitations, like 10MB, etc.)  http://blog.brainlitter.com/archive/2009/05/10/save-sharepoint-list-as-template-with-content-maxes-out-at-10mb-%e2%80%93-but-i-want-more%e2%80%a6.aspx


    How to Refresh a SharePoint Sandbox Collection with Production 

    This guide has been created to provide the necessary steps to 'refresh' a Sandbox Collection (Different Web Application) with Production Data, so that it can be 'played with' without breaking the Production Implementation.
    Note on Authentication/Permissions: Ensure you perform these tasks with an account that has full SharePoint Administrative privileges such as an 'SPSAdmin' account.
    • First, determine the Web Applications for the Source (Production) Web Application/Site Collection and the Destination (Sandbox) Web Application/Site Collection.
      • Open Central Administration and choose the "Application Management" tab
      • Open the Web Application List
      • Make note of the URL's
      • Document the URL's in the table below
       Application URL Collection Description
    Source http://harvey:56000 Production Portal
    Destination http://harvey:56001 Sandbox
    • Perform a current Backup of the Production Site Collection
      • Go to a DOS Prompt and if the path to the STSADM.EXE application is not already in your System Path (a good idea for convenience), then change to the appropriate directory in order to run the utility.
        • cd %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft shared\Web server extensions\12\Bin
      • Perform the following command, using the URL of the SourceD:\TOP\ProductionToSandBoxTransfer\March-3-2009-Backup.bak Collection and modify your Output destination of the backup file, to suit (in this example, the path is going to be
        • stsadm -o backup -url http://harvey:56000 -filename D:\TOP\ProductionToSandBoxTransfer\March-3-2009-Backup.bak
      • Ensure the backup completed successfully. Your result should look something like this:

    • Restore your latest backup over your existing Sandbox Web Application (the assumption is you have one in place already), being sure to use the -overwrite option. Note that the restore typically takes much longer than the backup, to complete.
      • Go to a DOS Prompt (if you aren't there already) and if the path to the STSADM.EXE application is not already in your System Path (a good idea for convenience), then change to the appropriate directory in order to run the utility.
        • cd %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft shared\Web server extensions\12\Bin
      • Perform the following command, using the URL of the DestinationD:\TOP\ProductionToSandBoxTransfer\March-3-2009-Backup.bak Collection and utilizing the file you created in step 2 -
        • stsadm -o restore -url http://harvey:56001 -filename D:\TOP\ProductionToSandBoxTransfer\March-3-2009-Backup.bak -overwrite
      • Ensure the restore completed successfully. Your result should look something like this:

    • Login and test that the application is healthy
    • Finally, if you have any customizations to perform, such as modification of the Quick Launch or Top Link Bar (hard coded URL references to the Production Site), be sure to make those now. As well, we always recommend setting the 'Theme' for the Sandbox site to a different colour scheme. This is a simple solution for ensuring that you know when you are working in the Sandbox and when you are working in production (I often go for the 'lime green' look, as it is especially eye catching and ugly).
      • To change the theme to Lime Green
        • Login to the Sandbox Site
        • Choose Site Actions, Site Settings

        • Choose Site Theme, under Galleries
        • Select the Verdant Theme and click Apply

    • Repeat Step 5 for any remaining sub sites (For example our test site has Manufacturing and Quality Assurance Sites)

    Save SharePoint List as Template (with Content) maxes out at 10MB – But I want more… 

    I'm often shuttling around content that a client wanted in a new location and sometimes, Saving a SharePoint list as a template (with content) fits the bill nicely. But with a (default) 10MB limit, this can be quite obtrusive. Thankfully, this can be modified (up to a maximum of 500MB) with the following syntax (note that this applies to List AND Site Template saves.

    Note: when you try to save a list as a template with content that exceeds the default of 10MB, you'll get this…
    The list is too large to save as a template. The size of a template cannot exceed 10485760 bytes

    How to increase the List (and Site) save as Template limit

    To increase the maximum size, simply run the following stsadm command (from the C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\BIN directory) replacing the propertyvalue to the new maximum size (in bytes). Note, in this example, we are changing it from 10MB to roughly 100MB:

    stsadm -o setproperty -propertyname max-template-document-size -propertyvalue 100000000


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