Showing posts with label BlackBerry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BlackBerry. Show all posts

3 Jun 2012

Move BESX to new server

1. Install BESX on new server
2. Modify firewall if any
3. Download and install BlackBerry Enterprise Transporter files
  • Browse to
  • Click on Download BlackBerry Enterprise Resource Kit 
  • Select BlackBerry Enterprise Resource Kit V5.0 SP3. Don't click on Next button but just look down and download BlackBerry Enterprise Transporter 5.0 Service Pack 3
 4. Install and run BlackBerry Enterprise Transporter and follow 4 steps to migrate user from old BESX to new BESX

Make sure BlackBerry Administration Service type on both old and new BESX must be the same (Active Directory or BlackBerry Administration Service authentication) otherwise you will get the BAS assignment error when migrating.

Good luck

18 Oct 2011

Unable to assign "Send As" rights to Organization Units in Microsoft Exchange Server 2010

Configuring the Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 permissions for the administrator account fails with insufficient permissions for the Users container, or any Organization Unit, even when logged in as a domain administrator. Assigning Send As rights to specific users, or groups, works successfully.

PowerShell Command:
Add-ADPermission -InheritedObjectType User -InheritanceType Descendents -ExtendedRights Send-As -User "BESAdmin" -Identity "CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com"
Active Directory operation failed on This error is not retriable. Additional information: Access is denied.
Active directory response: 00000005: SecErr: DSID-031521D0, problem 4003 (INSUFF_ACCESS_RIGHTS), data 0
+ CategoryInfo : WriteError: (0:Int32) [Add-ADPermission], ADOperationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : DA172DD1,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTa sks.AddADPermission


Blackberry offers an alternative for running that powershell command
1. Open Active Directory Users and Computers.
2. Select the View menu and ensure Advanced Features is checked.
3. Right-click the Domain Name or Organizational Unit where Send As permissions are needed and select Properties.
4. Click the Security tab.
5. Click Advanced at the bottom on the Security tab.
6. Select Add and enter your Blackberry Service Account name (for example, BESadmin) and select OK.
7. When the permissions screen appears, change Apply onto: to User Objects (or Descendant User Objects on Microsoft Windows Server 2008).
8. In the permissions box, scroll down and check the Allow box beside Send As and press OK.
9. Press Apply and OK to exit.
it worked for me...


13 Oct 2009

Black & White List - Chặn cuộc gọi dành cho Blackberry - Free

Default Black & White List - Chặn cuộc gọi dành cho Blackberry - Free

Bạn đã bao giờ bị 1 người lạ dội bom điện thoại lúc 12h chưa. Hoặc lo lắng trong lúc để Profiles là im lặng người iu gọi đến mà không có chuông thì .

Giải pháp thứ nhất: Mua phần mềm, tốn 1 chút phí
Giải pháp thứ 2: Tận dụng sức mạnh của Blackberry, không mất phí.

Bài viết dưới đây sẽ hướng dẫn bạn dùng cách thứ 2

Giới thiệu qua về Profiles trong Blackberry

Như đã biết, Profiles của Blackberry chia làm nhiều tùy chọn
  • Loud: Chuông to
  • Vibrate: Chỉ có rung
  • Quiet: Im lặng là vàng
  • Normal: Cả rung lẫn chuông
  • Phone only: Chỉ có chuông khi có cuộc gọi đến, Sms.. đều bị chặn

Ngoài ra bạn có thể tạo các Profiles mới

Vào Advanced--> Nhấn menu--> New Profiles

Phần 1: Chặn toàn bộ cuộc gọi

Giả sử tôi tạo 1 Profiles là đang bận, khi có người gọi tới thì sẽ tự động báo bận - Cám ơn anh Paloma đã chỉ em phần này

Bạn sẽ thấy 1 loạt danh sách như Phone, Messenges, SMS text.
Ở đây mục đích chính của tôi là chặn hết cuộc gọi, nên sẽ vào phần Phone.

Bạn sẽ thấy 1 mục là Do not Disturb - Chức năng này sẽ tự động báo bận mỗi khi có cuộc gọi tới
Chọn Do not Disturb là Yes

Sau đó chọn menu, Save. Và đặt tên cho Profiles là Dang ban

Bây giờ, khi muốn yên tĩnh chỉ cần chọn Profiles này là người khác khi gọi đến sẽ báo bận

Phần 2: Black & White List

Tình huống đặt ra là bạn đang bận, bỗng nhiên có 1 kẻ quấy rối nháy máy cho bạn. Bực mình quá nên bạn để chế độ im lặng.
Nhưng trong lúc đó, sếp gọi điện bàn công chuyện. Tất nhiên là bạn bị lỡ cuộc gọi này.
Với Blackberry bạn sẽ giải quyết rất nhanh chóng bằng Exception
Đây là 1 tùy chọn cho phép bạn tạo ra những tùy chọn cho từng số điện thoại cụ thể mà không phụ thuộc vào Profiles đang dùng.

1, Blacklist

Tạo Exception mới

Vào Advanced--> Nhấn menu--> New Exception

Đặt tên cho Exception này
Ở ô From, nhấn Trackweel để chọn Menu-->Add Name
Sau đó chọn số cần chặn từ danh bạ
Ở phần Profiles chọn Profiles Đang bận - Đã tao ở trên

1, White List
Làm tương tự như Blacklist. Nhưng để Profiles là Normal

Trich cua ban

7 Sept 2009

BlackBerry activation

BlackBerry smartphones that have a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server and/or BlackBerry® Internet Service data plan from the wireless service provider can be activated on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Express 5.0 SP1 to 5.0 SP2.
Before attempting an activation, use the BlackBerry Expert Support Center (BESC) Enterprise Activation tool to identify which activation methods are available for the BlackBerry smartphone. For information about how to access and use the BlackBerry Expert Support Center Enterprise Activation Readiness tool, see KB21140.

Note: BlackBerry smartphones cannot be activated over the wireless network or the organization's Wi-Fi® network if they have a data plan for BlackBerry Internet Service only.

Depending on the recommendations from the BlackBerry Expert Support Center Enterprise Activation Readiness tool, the following are methods to assign and activate BlackBerry smartphones to BlackBerry smartphone user accounts:

# Method Activation Transport Description
1 BlackBerry Administration Service Wired To activate BlackBerry smartphones before distributing them to BlackBerry smartphone users by connecting the BlackBerry smartphones to a computer and logging in to the BlackBerry Administration Service.
2 Over the wireless network Wireless New and existing BlackBerry smartphone users can activate their BlackBerry smartphones without requiring a physical connection to the organization's network.
Note: BlackBerry smartphones that have a data plan for BlackBerry Internet Service only cannot be activated over the wireless network.
3 Over the local area network (LAN) Wired New and existing BlackBerry smartphone users can activate their BlackBerry smartphones by connecting them to a computer that has the BlackBerry® Desktop Manager installed and is connected to the organization's network.
4 BlackBerry® Web Desktop Manager Wired New and existing users can activate their BlackBerry smartphones by connecting their BlackBerry smartphones to a computer and visiting the BlackBerry Web Desktop Manager web site.
5 Over the organization's Wi-Fi network Wireless To activate Wi-Fi enabled BlackBerry smartphones over an organization's Wi-Fi network.
Note: BlackBerry smartphones that have a data plan for BlackBerry Internet Service only cannot be activated over the organization's Wi-Fi network.

Option 1: Activate a BlackBerry smartphone using the BlackBerry Administration Service (Wired)
Requirements: The BlackBerry smartphone must have an active BlackBerry Enterprise Server and/or BlackBerry Internet Service data plan with the wireless service provider.

Note: This method allows administrators to activate BlackBerry smartphones for multiple users.

  1. Connect the BlackBerry smartphone to a computer that can access the BlackBerry Administration Service.
  2. Log in to the BlackBerry Administration Service.
  3. On the Devices menu, expand Attached devices.
  4. Click Manage current device.
  5. Click Assign current device.
  6. Search for a BlackBerry smartphone user account.
  7. In the search results, click the display name for a BlackBerry smartphone user account.
  8. Click Associate user.
  9. Click Assign current device.
 (CCH Notes -----
  1. Connect UBS cable to port on server, wait until device recognized by server.
  2. Open Blackberry Manager software.
  3. Select ‘Add user’, from popup window enter users name and select.
  4. New user will appear on list ‘initializing’ wait a few moments for server to start routine.
  5. Highlight and Right Click new user, select ‘assign device’ popup window will display connected device PIN, choose select.
  6. After brief pause, PIN should appear next to user on server list.
  7. Highlight and Right click new user, from list select ‘resend service book, and ‘resend IT policy’.
  8. After a few minutes you should see the device being updated.
  9. Wait until the server (next to new user) shows that the device has been contacted. (this should be date/time similar to other users)
  10. On the device you should get the message ‘Enterprise Activation Completed’.
  11. Device should now be upto date and ready to use.

Option 2: Activate a BlackBerry smartphone over the wireless network (Wireless)
Requirements: The BlackBerry smartphone must have an active BlackBerry Enterprise Server data plan with the wireless service provider.

To activate a BlackBerry smartphone over the wireless network, an administrator must assign an activation password to the BlackBerry smartphone user account. The BlackBerry smartphone user then activates the BlackBerry smartphone using the desired email address and the provided activation password.

To send an activation password to a BlackBerry smartphone user, complete the following steps:

  1. In the BlackBerry Administration Service, on the BlackBerry solution management menu, expand User.
  2. Click Manage users.
  3. Search for a user account.
  4. In the search results, click the display name for the BlackBerry smartphone user account.
  5. In the Device activation list, click Specify activation password.
  6. In the Activation password and Confirm password fields, type an activation password.
    Note: The password must not contain special characters. Some BlackBerry smartphones do not support special characters and do not unlock when a BlackBerry smartphone user types a password that contains special characters.
  7. In the Password expiration (hours) field, type the amount of time that can elapse before the activation password expires.
  8. Click Specify activation password.
The BlackBerry smartphone user can start the wireless activation process after receiving the password by completing the following steps:
For BlackBerry Device Software 4.1 to 5.0:
  1. On the BlackBerry smartphone, click Options > Advanced Options > Enterprise Activation.
  2. Enter the email address associated with the BlackBerry smartphone user account in the Email field.
  3. Enter the Activation Password provided by the administrator.
  4. Press the Menu key and select Activate.
For BlackBerry 6:
  1. On the BlackBerry smartphone, click Options > Device > Advanced System Settings > Enterprise Activation.
  2. Enter the email address associated with the BlackBerry smartphone user account in the Email field.
  3. Enter the Activation Password provided by the administrator.
  4. Press the Menu key and select Activate.
Note: A BlackBerry smartphone cannot be activated over the wireless network or over the organization's Wi-Fi network if the BlackBerry smartphone has a data plan for BlackBerry Internet Service only.
Option 3: Activate a BlackBerry smartphone over the LAN (Wired)
Requirements: The BlackBerry smartphone must have BlackBerry Enterprise Server and/or BlackBerry Internet Service data plan.

BlackBerry smartphone users can activate BlackBerry smartphones by connecting them to a computer that has the BlackBerry Desktop Manager installed. The BlackBerry Desktop Manager must be configured with the BlackBerry smartphone users' work email account and a network connection to the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Express must be present. During the activation process, the BlackBerry Desktop Manager prompts users to associate the BlackBerry smartphone with their work email account and to generate encryption keys.

To activate a BlackBerry smartphone using the BlackBerry Desktop Manager, complete the following steps:

  1. Install BlackBerry Desktop Manager on the BlackBerry smartphone user's computer.
  2. Connect the BlackBerry smartphone.
  3. Generate a encryption key when prompted to start the activation process.
Option 4: Activate a BlackBerry smartphone using the BlackBerry Web Desktop Manager (Wired)
Requirements: The BlackBerry smartphone must have an active BlackBerry Enterprise Server and/or BlackBerry Internet Service data plan with the wireless service provider.

BlackBerry smartphone users can activate BlackBerry smartphones by connecting them to a computer using a USB cable or Bluetooth® connection and logging in to the BlackBerry Web Desktop Manager. During the activation process, the BlackBerry Web Desktop Manager prompts users to associate the BlackBerry smartphone with their email accounts and to generate encryption keys. Once the activation process has started, the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Express begins to reconcile email messages and synchronize organizer data through the wired connection. If the wired connection is interrupted, the activation will continue over the wireless or Wi-Fi network.

To activate a BlackBerry smartphone using the BlackBerry Web Desktop Manager, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the BlackBerry Web Desktop Manager.
  2. Connect the BlackBerry smartphone.
  3. Generate an encryption key when prompted to start the activation process.
Option 5: Activate a BlackBerry smartphone over an enterprise Wi-Fi network (Wireless)
Requirements: The BlackBerry smartphone must have an active BlackBerry Enterprise Server data plan with the wireless service provider.

BlackBerry smartphone users can activate Wi-Fi enabled BlackBerry smartphones over an enterprise Wi-Fi network in environments that have the following characteristics:

  • BlackBerry smartphones can connect to their organization's Wi-Fi network but cannot connect to the wireless network.
  • BlackBerry smartphone users did not install the BlackBerry Desktop Manager on their computers.
To activate BlackBerry smartphones over an enterprise Wi-Fi network, configure the BlackBerry Router as a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) client. For information on how to configure the BlackBerry Router, see the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Express 5.0 SP1 Administration Guide.

Note: BlackBerry smartphones that have a data plan for BlackBerry Internet Service only cannot be activated over an organization's Wi-Fi network.

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