17 Nov 2010

MTU, what difference does it make ?

Packet size, often referred to as MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) is the greatest amount of data that can be transferred in one physical frame on the network. For Ethernet, the MTU is 1500 bytes, for PPPoE 1492, dial-up connections often use 576.
Each transmission unit consists of header and actual data. The actual data is referred to as MSS (Maximum Segment Size), which defines the largest segment of TCP data that can be transmitted. Essentially,
MTU=MSS + TCP & IP headers.

For the purposes of this article and all comparisons I'll make the following assumptions:
  • MSS=MTU-40 <-- a standard 40 byte header (20 byte IP and 20 byte TCP)
  • packets are not being fragmented
  • no packet loss
  • no router congestion
Packet size vs. latency
Let's examine a transfer of 1,500,000 bytes of data using different packet size over a T1 line (T1=1,544,000 bits/sec) using the following formula:
  ( MSS + header ) * 8 bits/byte---------------------------------- = latency (per hop)          1,544,000 bits/sec.
Then, using different MTU values, we can calculate the relevance of packet size to latency.
If MTU = 1500, then: (1460+40) * 8 / 1,544,000 = 7.772 ms delay per hop
If MTU = 576, then: (536+40) * 8 / 1,544,000 = 2.924 ms delay
Assuming a transfer over 10 hops, the 1500 MTU would wield 77.72 ms delay, while a 576 MTU would take 29.24 ms to transfer over a T1 line.
It is obvious then that smaller packets will be transmitted faster, simply because of the throughput limitation of the line. It's however somewhat moot point in large transfers, all that's illustrated above is the fact that transferring more data takes more time :)
Throughput vs. packet size
Using the same formula from our previous example, let's assume we need to transfer 1 MByte file over the same T1 line.
1MByte = 1024 KB = 1,048,576 bytes.
If MTU = 1500, then: (1460+40) * 8 / 1,544,000 = 7.772 ms delay per hop1 MByte / MSS = 1,048,576 bytes / 1460 = 718.2, or effectively 719 packets to transfer 1 MByte.Then, to transfer 1Mbyte: 719 packets * 7.772 ms delay per hop = 5588.068 ms, or 5.588 seconds per hop.If we are transferring our 1 MByte file over 10 hops, it will ideally take us:(1st packet * 10 hops * 7.772ms delay) + 718 * 7.772 = 5.658 seconds.

If MTU = 576, then: (536+40) * 8 / 1,544,000 = 2.924 ms delay per hop.1 MByte / MSS = 1,048,576 bytes / 536 = 1956.3, or effectively 1957 packets to transfer 1 MByte.Then, to transfer 1 MByte: 1957 packets * 2.924 ms delay per hop = 5722.268 ms, or 5.722 seconds per hop.If we are transferring our 1 MByte file over the same 10 hops:(1st packet *10 hops * 2.924ms delay) + 1956 * 2.924 = 5.748 sec.

The difference comes from the fact that when using larger packets the overhead is smaller. To transfer 1 MByte, if using MTU of 1500 there are 719 * 40 = 28,760 bytes of overhead, while if using MTU of 576 1957 * 40 = 78,280 bytes, additional 49,520 bytes of headers transferred each MByte. For our 10-hop transfer, the additional overhead accounts for just a fraction of a second, however it makes a difference if you consider large transfers over long periods of time. This difference is a also higher in practice, considering TCP options and the fact that modern TCP/IP implementations tend to use larger headers (additional 12 bytes header space for Timestamps for example). Also, the above example uses best case scenario, not considering higher latency and congestion.
Final Thoughts
Generally, it's logical to assume larger packets are better, because of all the following factors:
  • network - reduced number of headers, as illustrated above
  • routers - less routing decisions
  • clients - less protocol processing and device interrupts
However, if pure throughput is not the ultimate goal, smaller packets might be more "responsive" since they take less time to travel throughout the network. That effect might be preferred in some applications and online gaming, at the expense of throughput.
Ultimately, packet size should be decided based on the type of the desired result, considering the underlying network as well, to avoid negative factors such as fragmentation of packets. Still one has to realize the fact that larger packets will still transmit more useful data than smaller packets, and that there is no single "best" solution for all applications.
Philip Filipov


16 Nov 2010

How to Hide “Open in Windows Explorer” option from List or Document Library in SharePoint 2007

Recently someone on one of the forums ran into some issue and he wanted to hide the “Open in Windows Explorer” option from the Actions menu in a document library.
So here’s how you can hide the “Open in Windows Explorer” option from the Actions menu.
Note: After successfully completing all the steps mentioned below only Site Owners will be able to see the “Open with Windows Explorer” option.

1. Make a copy of the DefaultTemplate.ascx located in the X:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\CONTROLTEMPLATES\.
2. Rename the copy to CustomDefaultTemplate.ascx

3.  Open the CustomDefaultTemplate.ascx in any text editor and Find the line ID=”OpenInExplorer “ (usually line 1812 ).

4. Change PermissionsString=”UseClientIntegration to PermissionsString=”ManageWeb and save the file.

6. Now if any user, other than the Site Owner Logins into the SharePoint Site they will not be able to see the “Open with Windows Explorer” option.



Remove the Explorer View from a Document Library Template

If you are building a custom document library solution, there may be a time where you don't want users to use the Explorer View of the document library.  I am talking about the VIEW itself and not the Open with Windows Explorer action in this case.  The correct way to do is of course is to create your own custom document library template (I'll be covering that in a future post) and then modify the schema.xml file.  If you want to go crazy and unsupported, you can also modify the C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\FEATURES\DocumentLibrary\DocLib\schema.xml of the built-in DocumentLibrary feature and accomplish the same result for the out-out-the-box document library.  Removing it is just a matter of removing the appropriate View element in the schema.xml file.  In this case, you are looking for an element similar to the one below.

<View BaseViewID="3" Type="HTML" WebPartZoneID="Main" DisplayName="$Resources:core,Explorer_View;" Url="Forms/WebFldr.aspx" SetupPath="pages\webfldr.aspx" RequiresClientIntegration="TRUE" ReadOnly="TRUE">

It will have a BaseViewId of 3 and a Display Name indicating that it is the explorer view.  Just delete this entire View element and reactivate the feature and this view will not be present on any new document libraries you create.  Again, I recommend creating your own document library template instead of modifying the built-in one.

It will only remove it on new document libraries created.  Any existing ones you would have to remove manually from each library.


9 Nov 2010

Các khái niệm cơ bản về Proxy

Proxy cung cấp cho người sử dụng truy xuất internet với những host đơn. Những proxy server phục vụ những nghi thức đặt biệt hoặc một tập những nghi thức thực thi trên dual_homed host hoặc basion host. Những chương trình client của người sử dụng sẽ qua trung gian proxy server thay thế cho server thật sự mà người sử dụng cần giao tiếp.
Proxy server xác định những yêu cầu từ phía client và quyết định đáp ứng hay không đáp ứng, nếu yêu cầu được đáp ứng, proxy server sẽ kết nối tới server thật thay cho client và tiếp tục chuyển tiếp đến những yêu cầu từ client đến server, cũng như đáp ứng những yêu cầu của server đến client.
Vì vậy proxy server đóng vai trò như là cầu nối trung gian giữa server và client (vì vậy có thể ví proxy server giống như là một đường hầm tạo ra giữa client, ở đây được coi là máy tính người sử dụng, và server được xem là web server hoặc chat server …. đi xuyên qua server ISP)

Cách thức hoạt động của proxy

Proxy cung cấp cho người sử dụng truy xuất internet với những host đơn. Những proxy server phục vụ những nghi thức đặt biệt hoặc một tập những nghi thức thực thi trên dual_homed host hoặc basion host. Những chương trình client của người sử dụng sẽ qua trung gian proxy server thay thế cho server thật sự mà người sử dụng cần giao tiếp.
Proxy server xác định những yêu cầu từ phía client và quyết định đáp ứng hay không đáp ứng, nếu yêu cầu được đáp ứng, proxy server sẽ kết nối tới server thật thay cho client và tiếp tục chuyển tiếp đến những yêu cầu từ client đến server, cũng như đáp ứng những yêu cầu của server đến client.
Vì vậy proxy server đóng vai trò như là cầu nối trung gian giữa server và client (vì vậy có thể ví proxy server giống như là một đường hầm tạo ra giữa client, ở đây được coi là máy tính người sử dụng, và server được xem là web server hoặc chat server …. đi xuyên qua server ISP)

Vậy Tại Sao Ta Phải Cần Proxy? (xem hình dưới)

Khi quan sát hình trên bạn sẽ thấy rõ lý do tại sao ta phải sử dụng proxy. Ví dụ như hình trên bạn sẽ thấy firewall (được coi như là firewall do ISP-nhà cung cấp dịch vụ dựng lên chẳng hạn) đã chặn port 6667 (sử dụng trong chương trình chat IRC) tức là bạn không thể kết nối tới IRC server thông qua port 6667 để chat, mà ISP chỉ cho phép bạn truy cập dịch vụ web và gởi mail thông qua port 80 và 25 mà thôi.
Trường hợp nếu IRC server chỉ lắng nghe trên port 80 thì truy cập của bạn không có vấn đề gì, nhưng vấn đề ở đây lại không phải như vậy vì các IRC server thường chỉ lắng nghe trên các port mặt định từ 6666 -> 6668, và các dịch vụ khác cũng tương tự như thế chẳng hạn như dịch vụ FTP(dich vụ chuyển file) sử dụng port 21, pop3(truy cập nhận mail) thì qua port 110 …. vì vậy nếu bạn muốn kết nối đến các dịch vụ trên trong trường hợp ISP của bạn chỉ cho phép kết nối thông qua port 25 hoặc 80 thì chỉ còn một con đường là sử dụng proxy (xem hình dưới)

Có thể giải thích đơn giản như sau: bạn cần kết nối đến dịch vụ chat IRC thì chương trình chat của bạn sẽ chỉ định kết nối tới proxy server xác định (tức là bạn phải biết được chính xác địa chỉ cũng như là IP của proxy server cần sử dụng) thông qua port 80 và sau đó yêu cầu cho proxy server tạo kết nối tới IRC server và proxy server sẽ đóng vai trò như một máy trung gian giữa bạn và IRC server để thực hiện công việc chat mà vẫn được firewall của ISP cho phép (có thể gọi trường hợp bị khóa port này là bạn bị firewall chặn từ bên trong).
Một ví dụ nữa như khi bạn truy cập một trang web nào đó ví dụ như là www.abc.com (trang web abc là các trang web bạn tự hiểu ) chẳng hạn thì mỗi kết nối của bạn đi ra ngoài và từ ngoài vào đều phải thông qua firewall của ISP, và nếu như đặt trường hợp firewall này có chứa một danh sách “hồ sơ thần chết” gồm các IP hoặc Host name (danh sách các web server không được phép truy cập bao gồm IP hoặc HOST NAME) thì dĩ nhiên yêu cầu truy cập của bạn sẽ bị chặn ngay lặp tức (ta gọi đó là trường hợp bị chặn từ bên ngoài) và cách duy nhất để truy cập những trang web kiểu này là kết nối thông qua proxy server để đánh lừa ISP-firewall, và ISP-firewall của bạn chỉ biết một điều là bạn đang truy cập đến server hợp lệ mà không nghĩ rằng nó chỉ là một server trung gian.
Trở lại vấn đề bị động đất tại Đài Loan vừa rồi, nếu như bạn kết nối trực tiếp đến các trang web tại Mỹ chẳng hạn và do đường cáp quang bị đứt thì dĩ nhiên kết nối trực tiếp của bạn sẽ gặp khó khăn do dung lượng đường truyền cũng như là khó khăn trong việc sử dụng dịch vụ Yahoo Messenger. Trong khi đó đường kết nối của nước ta đi qua các nước khác chẳng hạn như Úc hoặc Nhật không bị ảnh hưởng thì dĩ nhiên khi bạn sử dụng các proxy server đặt tại các nước này để kết nối ra bên ngoài thông qua đường vòng thì vấn đề trên coi như đã được giải quyết.
Còn mấy ông Hacker nhà ta khi muốn quậy phá một trang web nào đó thì mấy ổng thường dùng proxy server để lỡ log web có ghi lại thì chỉ ghi lại được IP của proxy server mà mấy ổng sử dụng chớ không ghi lại địa chỉ IP thực mà ISP cấp cho mấy ổng ở nhà. Vì thế khó mà phát hiện (nhưng nếu sự việc nghiêm trọng thì người ta vẫn có thể truy ngược ra cái địa chỉ IP của proxy server đó và nếu như trong proxy server đó có lưu lại IP của mấy ông thì coi như tiêu đời. Nhưng mấy ổng có thêm một chiêu nữa là không sử dụng duy nhất một IP proxy mà sử dụng nhiều IP chồng chồng lớp lớp để dùng trong những việc “hệ trọng” thì việc truy ra IP thực giống như là việc mò kim đáy bể vậy đó .
Nói tóm lại là công dụng của proxy thì rất rất nhiều nên để đỡ tốn thời gian online của các bạn cũng như tôi cũng đỡ mỏi tay thì bây giờ chúng ta đi vào phần chính.
Làm cách nào tìm một con proxy ngon lành để sử dụng ?
Tôi xin thưa: câu châm ngôn “google là tất cả” với từ khóa “free proxy servers“
Còn trường hợp anh em nào muốn chơi sang thì bỏ tiền ra mua thì sẽ có ngay một con proxy ngon lành và tốc độ thì không thua gì con SH để anh em thoải mái vi vu.
Thiết lập và sử dụng proxy trong trình duyệt:
+Chương trình IE:
-Đầu tiên Mở Menu Tool ==> Internet Option ==> Connections ==> chọn Setting (nếu là Dial up) hoặc Lan Setting
-Sau đó bạn sẽ thấy mục “Use the proxy server for this connection” (nếu là Dial up) hoặc “Use the proxy server for your Lan” bạn đánh dấu chọn vào đó.
-Cuối cùng là gõ địa chỉ IP của proxy server mà bạn muốn sử dụng nhớ kèm theo phần port nữa vì mỗi proxy server có kèm port đi theo.
-Thế là xong bây giờ bạn có thể vi vu lướt web
Lưu ý: nếu proxy nào không sử dụng được bạn phải đổi cái khác vì vụ này là thường xuyên nếu như bạn là con nhà nghèo (vì xài chùa mà và cái gì chùa thì thường không ổn định ). Và các bạn cứ việc lại nhờ vả tới anh Google nhà ta mà anh ta thì không bao giờ biết phàn nàn bạn cả (ngoại trừ cúp điện).
Thiết lập proxy trong yahoo messenger:
+Mở Yahoo Messenger ==> vào Menu Messenger ==> chọn Connection Preferences.
+Đánh dấu vào mục chọn “Enable HTTP proxy“
+Sau đó gõ vào IP của proxy server và port đi kèm.
+Trường hợp bạn cũng có thể sử dụng Socks proxy.
Ngoài 2 cách thiết lập việc sử dụng proxy như tôi vừa giới thiệu ở trên đây, các bạn cũng có thể sử dụng và thiết lập proxy trong các chương trình khác như các chương trình hổ trợ download, các web browser … đều có mục để cho bạn sử dụng thông qua proxy. 

15 Oct 2010

Move WSS3.0 from one to another server

Move WSS3.0 from one to another server


Source: SQL 2000 Std Server SP4+Win 2003 Server SP+WSS3.0
Destination: SQL 2005 Std Server+Win 2003 Server SP2 +WSS3.0


1. On Source SQL Server: Backup SharePoint Content databases.
  • Open SQL Server Enterprise manger
  • Right Click a database (For ex: WSS_Content)->All Tasks->;Backup Database->Database Complete->Backup to disk->Add->Filename->Provide a path &; filename->Ok->Ok
  • Repeat above procedure for all SharePoint databases (Sharepoint_AdminContent_xxx, Sharepoint_Config) however we will not restore all of them.
  • (Do not restore database Sharepoint_AdminContent_xxx, Sharepoint_Config on new SQL Server)

How to find name of Content databases:
Central Admin->Application Management->Content databases->Select web application from Right Hand Side Top drop down list. Database name will be displayed


2. On SharePoint Server: Take screenshots of all configured setting on Central administration page

  • Central Admin->Operations->Global Configuration->Alternate access mappings
  • Central Admin->Operations->Outgoing email settings
  • Central admin->Application management->Define managed paths
  • etc.


  • We must install either same or later version than source SQL Server
  • Open SQL Server Enterprise manger
  • Security->Logins->Right Click->New Login
  • Add SharePoint Service Account in Domain\user format
  • This account must be either Domain admin or Domain user with Local admin rights on SharePoint server.
  • Security->Logins->Right Click Service Account->Properties->Server Roles Tab
  • Check Security Administrators & Database Creators
  • Click Ok

  • Copy backup Content database files to Destination SQL Server
  • Open SQL Server Enterprise manger
  • Databases->Right Click->All Tasks->Restore database->Restore as Database->Type name of Content Database->From device->Select device->disk->Add->Browse to backup files->Ok->Ok
  • Similarly restore all Content databases from backup
  • Security->Logins->Service Account->Database Access Tab->In upper pane select Content database->In lower pane check DB_OWNER checkbox->Click Ok
Pls noted that the restore process may take hours to complete depends on database size and how powerful your SQL server is. Mine is Proliant ML370G5 Quad Core Xeon, 4GB RAM takes 4 hours to restore 10GB database :-(

    Install WSS3.0 on new server

    • Run SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration (PSCONFIG ) Wizard
    • Select No, I want to create a new server farm

    • Database Server: Give Destination SQL Server name (same sql server name or instance as in step 2)
    • Database Name: Type new Config Database Name
    • Username: Use same Service account as used in existing old server
    • Password: Password for that account

    • We should get configuration successful message.
    • After PSCONFIG finishes successfully Central admin page will open automatically.


    Create a new web application http://app on port 80 with content database name WSS_Content_TEST
    • Go to V3 Central Administration Page->Application Management->Create or extend Web Application
    • Click on Create a new web application
    • Choose any unused port number
    • Enter Database Server Name and enter Database name as WSS_Content_TEST
    • Wait for operation to complete
    • After application is created create a site collection
    • Fill the details and select Team site template click Ok
    • Browse to test site http://app
    • Check if it is working

    To remove dummy_content_db (WSS_Content_TEST) from a web application

    • Click on Content Databases
    • On right hand side select the newly created web application if not already present
    • Click on Database name WSS_Content_TEST
    • Check remove content database checkbox and click OK

    To attach restored content database to a new web application:
    • Go to V3 Central Administration Page->Application Management->Sharepoint Web Application management->Content Databases->Add a content database->Enter database server and database name (WSS_Content)-> Click OK

    Now browse to http://app and check if it is working
    Similarly add content databases for other web applications.

    Do NOT discard Source SQL Server and Databases until the functionality of New SQL Server and WSS3.0 is tested and confirmed.

    12 Oct 2010

    Copy A WSS 3.0 Site to Another

    This is a method I use for small business customers to provide them with a 'sandbox' environment they can play in. But this applies to you as well.  

    Your 'Production' environment would be the old site/server, the 'sandbox' site would be your new server/site -- http://blog.brainlitter.com/archive/2009/03/09/how-to-refresh-a-sharepoint-sandbox-collection-with-production.aspx

    However, if you aren't moving a whole site collection, here's your solution for moving just a subsite with all the various bits and bobs (there are other methods like save site as template, etc. but they have severe limitations, like 10MB, etc.)  http://blog.brainlitter.com/archive/2009/05/10/save-sharepoint-list-as-template-with-content-maxes-out-at-10mb-%e2%80%93-but-i-want-more%e2%80%a6.aspx


    How to Refresh a SharePoint Sandbox Collection with Production 

    This guide has been created to provide the necessary steps to 'refresh' a Sandbox Collection (Different Web Application) with Production Data, so that it can be 'played with' without breaking the Production Implementation.
    Note on Authentication/Permissions: Ensure you perform these tasks with an account that has full SharePoint Administrative privileges such as an 'SPSAdmin' account.
    • First, determine the Web Applications for the Source (Production) Web Application/Site Collection and the Destination (Sandbox) Web Application/Site Collection.
      • Open Central Administration and choose the "Application Management" tab
      • Open the Web Application List
      • Make note of the URL's
      • Document the URL's in the table below
       Application URL Collection Description
    Source http://harvey:56000 Production Portal
    Destination http://harvey:56001 Sandbox
    • Perform a current Backup of the Production Site Collection
      • Go to a DOS Prompt and if the path to the STSADM.EXE application is not already in your System Path (a good idea for convenience), then change to the appropriate directory in order to run the utility.
        • cd %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft shared\Web server extensions\12\Bin
      • Perform the following command, using the URL of the SourceD:\TOP\ProductionToSandBoxTransfer\March-3-2009-Backup.bak Collection and modify your Output destination of the backup file, to suit (in this example, the path is going to be
        • stsadm -o backup -url http://harvey:56000 -filename D:\TOP\ProductionToSandBoxTransfer\March-3-2009-Backup.bak
      • Ensure the backup completed successfully. Your result should look something like this:

    • Restore your latest backup over your existing Sandbox Web Application (the assumption is you have one in place already), being sure to use the -overwrite option. Note that the restore typically takes much longer than the backup, to complete.
      • Go to a DOS Prompt (if you aren't there already) and if the path to the STSADM.EXE application is not already in your System Path (a good idea for convenience), then change to the appropriate directory in order to run the utility.
        • cd %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft shared\Web server extensions\12\Bin
      • Perform the following command, using the URL of the DestinationD:\TOP\ProductionToSandBoxTransfer\March-3-2009-Backup.bak Collection and utilizing the file you created in step 2 -
        • stsadm -o restore -url http://harvey:56001 -filename D:\TOP\ProductionToSandBoxTransfer\March-3-2009-Backup.bak -overwrite
      • Ensure the restore completed successfully. Your result should look something like this:

    • Login and test that the application is healthy
    • Finally, if you have any customizations to perform, such as modification of the Quick Launch or Top Link Bar (hard coded URL references to the Production Site), be sure to make those now. As well, we always recommend setting the 'Theme' for the Sandbox site to a different colour scheme. This is a simple solution for ensuring that you know when you are working in the Sandbox and when you are working in production (I often go for the 'lime green' look, as it is especially eye catching and ugly).
      • To change the theme to Lime Green
        • Login to the Sandbox Site
        • Choose Site Actions, Site Settings

        • Choose Site Theme, under Galleries
        • Select the Verdant Theme and click Apply

    • Repeat Step 5 for any remaining sub sites (For example our test site has Manufacturing and Quality Assurance Sites)

    Save SharePoint List as Template (with Content) maxes out at 10MB – But I want more… 

    I'm often shuttling around content that a client wanted in a new location and sometimes, Saving a SharePoint list as a template (with content) fits the bill nicely. But with a (default) 10MB limit, this can be quite obtrusive. Thankfully, this can be modified (up to a maximum of 500MB) with the following syntax (note that this applies to List AND Site Template saves.

    Note: when you try to save a list as a template with content that exceeds the default of 10MB, you'll get this…
    The list is too large to save as a template. The size of a template cannot exceed 10485760 bytes

    How to increase the List (and Site) save as Template limit

    To increase the maximum size, simply run the following stsadm command (from the C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\BIN directory) replacing the propertyvalue to the new maximum size (in bytes). Note, in this example, we are changing it from 10MB to roughly 100MB:

    stsadm -o setproperty -propertyname max-template-document-size -propertyvalue 100000000


    29 Sept 2010

    How to Change Windows XP Version Between Retail, OEM and Volume License Channel

    Each piece of Windows XP CD disc media or ISO image has been created for specific channel of distributions, namely retail, OEM or volume licensing. Each channel has specific installation CD and product key or CD key that required to register and activate the installed system. Activation with product serial keys from other channel version are simply not accepted, causing end-user to encounter problem when installation as a CD-key is not accepted even though it’s genuine, valid and correct.

    The main problem is that not many people may be aware there is difference between various Windows XP media and the Windows XP product key that they’re having, especially users who download Windows XP images (popularly in ISO, IMG or BIN format) from Internet through file sharing sites or BT (BitTorrent) torrents. These images may not be labeled properly by indicating it’s Windows XP retail, OEM or volume licensing version. Besides, the downloaded image is mostly for Windows XP VL edition, and is not suitable for OEM product key, which pasted on COA sticker on PC. Even for IT professionals who legitmatelly download Windows XP and obtain serial numbers from MSDN or TechNet subscriptions, the ISO images and product keys may get mixed up between OEM, retail or volume license (VL) version if not been labeled or managed properly.
    For users who have an incorrect edition of Windows XP CD or have installed an incorrect version of Windows XP, here are two tricks or hacks to change a live version of Windows XP installation, and change the version of Windows XP installation files. Why? Well, because end-user cannot change their product key easily, that’s why the only possible way to properly activate is to change the channel version of Windows XP.

    How to Change the Distribution Channel Version of Existing Windows XP Installation
    1. Boot up the computer
      using the CD of the Windows XP edition (retail, OEM or volume licensing) that user wants to upgrade or convert the existing installation
      to. Note: User may have to change the boot device priority or sequence in BIOS.
    2. Windows XP setup wizard will launch and ask user to setup Windows XP, press Enter. Note: Do not press R or select the option “To repair a Windows XP installation using the Recovery Console, press R” option.
    3. Accept the License Agreement.
    4. Then, select the Windows XP installation you want to repair (change the channel) from the list and press R to start the repair process.
    5. Setup will copy some files.
    6. Reboot the computer.
    7. Windows XP installation is now properly changed for retail, OEM or volume license according to the version of CD been used.
    How to Change the Distribution Channel Version of A Windows XP CD
    Tip: A more easier way is probably to download a new Windows XP with SP3 ISO image.
    Note: This step can be used to check or verify the channel version of a Windows XP CD or image too. And it does not convert CD or image to royalty OEM Windows XP, which requires some OEM files to be existed.
    1. Copy all content of Windows XP CD to hard disk drive, or extract Windows XP disc image to a folder.
    2. Open the file \i386\setupp.ini in any text editor such as Notepad.
    3. Inside the setupp.ini, there is a “Pid” parameter with [Pid] header. The Pid variable consists of 2 parts. The first 5 digits is Microsoft product code (MPC) which determines the version of Windows XP that will be installed, the last 3 digits is channel ID that determines which CD-keys or product keys that the installation wizard will accept. Some example of standard combination for Pid for various editions of Windows XP: Windows XP RTM
      Retail: 51882335 (Retail edition accepting Retail CD keys)
      Volume License: 51883270 (Volume License edition accepting Volume License keys or VLK)
      OEM: 82503OEM (OEM edition accepting OEM keys or COA keys)

      Windows XP SP2
      Retail: 55274335
      Volume License: 55274270
      OEM: 55277OEM

      Windows XP SP3
      Retail: 76487335
      Volume License: 76487270
      OEM: 76487OEM

    4. The first 5 digits of Pid is normally stayed the same for same version of Windows XP (i.e. RTM, SP1, SP2 or SP3). Thus, only the last 3 digits of Pid needs to be modified according to example above. Generally, channel ID for retail is 335, OEM is OEM, and volume licensing is 270.
    5. Use nLite or other disc imaging program to re-create or re-burn the modified Windows XP installation disc media or image.
    Note: Newer Windows XP discs may check whether the CD’s volume label matches the type of CD too. In this case, the wrong volume label may still render the disc unworkable. Here’s a brief list of known English version of Windows XP CD volume labels.
    XP Home and Professional Combo = WXPHFPP_EN
    XP Home Retail = WXHFPP_EN
    XP Home Retail with SP1 = XRMHFPP_EN
    XP Home Retail with SP1a = X1AHFPP_EN
    XP Home Retail with SP2 = VRMHFPP_EN
    XP Home Upgrade = WXHCCP_EN
    XP Home Upgrade with SP1 = XRMHCCP_EN
    XP Home Upgrade with SP1a = X1AHCCP_EN
    XP Home Upgrade with SP2 = VRMHCCP_EN
    XP Home OEM with SP1 = XRMHOEM_EN
    XP Home OEM with SP1a = X1AHOEM_EN
    XP Home OEM with SP2 = VRMHOEM_EN
    XP Home Volume = WXHVOL_EN
    XP Home Volume with SP1 = XRMHVOL_EN
    XP Home Volume with SP1a = X1AHVOL_EN
    XP Home Volume with SP2 = VRMHVOL_EN
    XP Professional Retail = WXPFPP_EN
    XP Professional Retail with SP1 = XRMPFPP_EN
    XP Professional Retail with SP1a = X1APFPP_EN
    XP Professional Retail with SP2 = VRMPFPP_EN
    XP Professional Upgrade = WXPCCP_EN
    XP Professional Upgrade with SP1 = XRMPCCP_EN
    XP Professional Upgrade with SP1a = X1APCCP_EN
    XP Professional Upgrade with SP2 = VRMPCCP_EN
    XP Professional OEM = WXPOEM_EN
    XP Professional OEM with SP1 = XRMPOEM_EN
    XP Professional OEM with SP1a = X1APOEM_EN
    XP Professional OEM with SP2 = VRMPOEM_EN
    XP Professional Volume = WXPVOL_EN
    XP Professional Volume with SP1 = XRMPVOL_EN
    XP Professional Volume with SP1a = X1APVOL_EN
    XP Professional Volume with SP2 = VRMPVOL_EN
    XP Professional Tablet PC with SP1 Disc1 = XRMPFPP_EN
    XP Professional Tablet PC with SP1a Disc1 = X1APFPP_EN
    XP Professional Tablet PC with SP2 Disc1 = VRMPFPP_EN
    XP Professional MSDN = WXPFPP_EN
    XP Professional MSDN with SP1 = XRMPFPP_EN
    XP Professional MSDN with SP1a = X1APFPP_EN
    XP Professional MSDN with SP2 = VRMPFPP_EN
    XP Professional Evaluation = WXPEVL_EN



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    Cách làm
    -  Đập trứng lấy 4 lòng đỏ và 6 trứng vừa lòng đỏ + lòng trắng vào ray. Ray lòng đỏ và trắng vào 1 cái tô.
    -  Sữa đặc + 1 lương nước đúng bằng số lượng sữa hòa vào tô trứng vừa ray. Quậy đều.
    - Cho đường + 1 ít nước vào khuôn hấp bánh quậy cho tan đường và đặt lên lò để làm caramen. Chờ cho có màu vàng của đường sủi bọt thì quậy nhanh cho đến khi nào đạt được màu vừa ý rồi nhấc xuống để nguội.
    - Cho tô trứng + sữa vào khuôn và hấp cách thủy (nhớ để lửa vừa và để hở nắp) khoảng 15-20 phút hoặc nướng ở 350 độ F từ 20-30 phút cho tới khi đặc bánh.

    25 Aug 2010

    Exchange Server Log File Replay

    Exchange Server stores information in a database and uses log files for transactional processing. To restore, defragment  or repair a database, the ESEUTIL tool is essential . It is always possible to recover data when the database is lost, if you have backed up the database. 

    Exchange Server Log File Replay

    In my previous article, Exchange Database Technologies, I discussed the underlying database technology in Exchange Server, the Extensible Storage Engine or ESE. One of the most important points in that article was that all changes to the Exchange Server database go through the log files. This is done for recovery purposes. Let’s look at the log files, and the replay of log files in case of a recovery scenario…

    Creation of the database

    After you create a Storage Group in the Exchange Management Console, we have an empty directory on disk. The only thing that actually happens is setting a property for the Storage Group in Active Directory, so no log files have been created yet.
    When a database is created in the Exchange Management Console there is still an empty directory on the disk. Again, the only thing that happened is setting a property in Active Directory.
    When the database is actually mounted, these things will happen on disk:
    • Active Directory is checked for the location of the log files;
    • When no log files are found a new set of log files is created with an lGeneration number of 1;
    • Active Directory is checked for the location of the database;
    • Since this is an initial mounting a new database is created;
    • At this point log files, a database file and a checkpoint file have been created and the Exchange Server’s database is ready to use.
    In the old Backoffice 4.x resource kit there was a small utility called “mailstorm”. This MAPI utility was very useful to send a massive amount of messages in a short timeframe. Using mailstorm it is possible to see the creation of log files. You can still find the original mailstorm utility here:. Unfortunately mailstorm doesn’t work with Exchange Server 2007 anymore, but there’s a PowerShell script available having the same functionality. Using this script a variety of of predefined messages can be sent to your Exchange Server 2007 to check the log file creation. The PowerShell version of mailstorm can be downloaded here:
    Create a user account in Active Directory and create a mailbox using the Exchange Management Console. Log on to the mailbox and start sending messages until you have a couple of messages and a couple of log files.
    What happens when the database file is lost? If we have all the log files still available it should be possible to retrieve all information. Remember what I wrote in my previous article: “everything is logged in the log files, even the creation of database files!”
    If you dismount the database, delete the database file “mailbox database.edb” or whatever name you have given the database and try to mount the database again, the following error is raised:
    Figure  1. Error message when a mailbox database appears to be missing
    In my humble opinion, the yellow exclamation mark should be replaced with a very large red “X” since this is a very important message. When you click “Yes” a new mailbox will be created in the same location as the “old” database. This is a completely new database. Although it has the same name “mailbox database.edb” as in the previous step, it has new signatures, as explained in my previous article, which Exchange Server uses to link databases and log files file together. Recovery of old log files will not result in information being replayed into the database because it is another database in this scenario. And remember, since all information is logged into the log file the creation of this new database is also logged. Choose No, and then delete the checkpoint file E00.chk and try to mount the database again. No error message is raised and the database is mounted. Even better, when you log on to your test mailbox you will see that no information is lost either!
    This is what happens when you do click “Yes”: during the mount process Exchange Server cannot find the database file and it cannot find the checkpoint file. Therefore it starts to recover all information by replaying the available log files.  It starts with the oldest log file E0000000001.log which also contains the creation of the initial database file. All information in the other log files is replayed into this database until it reaches the end of the last log file E00.log. The database is mounted and ready to use.
    When Exchange Server cannot find the database file but it does find the checkpoint file it will not replay the log files. It starts at the end of the last log file E00.log and it will create a new database.
    How can you tell which files belong together?
    Dismount the Exchange Server’s database, open a command prompt in the database’s directory and check the header information using the ESEUTIL tool. You will find the following information:
    K:\sg1>eseutil /mh "mailbox database.edb"

    Extensible Storage Engine Utilities for Microsoft(R) Exchange Server
    Version 08.01
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

    Initiating FILE DUMP mode...
             Database: mailbox database.edb

         DB Signature: Create time:08/25/2008 22:54:52 Rand:4416518 Computer:

        Log Signature: Create time:08/25/2008 22:54:50 Rand:4412688 Computer:

    Operation completed successfully in 0.140 seconds.

    When you check the header information of the log files with the ESEUTIL tool you will find corresponding information:
    L:\sg1>eseutil /ml e000000001a.log

    Extensible Storage Engine Utilities for Microsoft(R) Exchange Server
    Version 08.01
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

          Signature: Create time:08/25/2008 22:54:50 Rand:4412688 Computer:

          1 k:\sg1\Mailbox Database.edb
                     Signature: Create time:08/25/2008 22:54:52 Rand:4416518 Computer:

    Operation completed successfully in 0.60 seconds.

    Note: both screen outputs have been edited for readability
    As you can see both the log file signature and the database signature match, so these files belong together. When you (accidentally) create a new mailbox you will find other information in the database header:
    L:\sg1>eseutil /ml e000000001c.log

    Extensible Storage Engine Utilities for Microsoft(R) Exchange Server
    Version 08.01
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

          Signature: Create time:08/25/2008 22:54:50 Rand:4412688 Computer:

          1 k:\sg1\Mailbox Database.edb
                     Signature: Create time:09/02/2008 07:27:28 Rand:963593 Computer
    Operation completed successfully in 0.70 seconds.

    As you can see the log signature hasn’t changed (still the same set of log files) but the database has a new signature, meaning that although the database has the same name and it is in the same location it is a new database!
    Key take-a-way: the checkpoint file determines if log files are replayed and where log file replay will start and therefore what happens during the mounting process.

    Offline backups

    You can create backups by copying the database files to a safe location. The steps to do so are:
    1. Dismount the database (meaning it is not available!)
    2. Copy the database file to a safe location
    3. Mount the database
    4. Perform a consistency check on the database copy
    5. If everything is ok, delete the log files
    The first three steps do not need any further explanation. But what log files can you safely delete?
    When dismounting the database all information in the log files that is not yet committed to the database is flushed to the database file. When all data is flushed the files are closed.
    You can check in the database header information when the database was dismounted by looking at the “last detach” information. Also check that the database is in a clean shutdown and does not need any log files for mounting.
    K:\sg1>eseutil /mh "mailbox database.edb"

    Extensible Storage Engine Utilities for Microsoft(R) Exchange Server
    Version 08.01
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

                State: Clean Shutdown
         Log Required: 0-0 (0x0-0x0)
        Log Committed: 0-0 (0x0-0x0)

          Last Detach: (0x11,27,35)  09/02/2008 16:34:34

    Operation completed successfully in 0.150 seconds.

    So in this specific scenario, all log file older than E0000000011.log can safely be deleted. All information in these log files is flushed to the database. Why not log file E0000000011.log itself? There can be information logged in the log file in this same log file beyond this point after mounting the database again.
    The offline copy of the database has also been checked for consistency. A database can contain corrupt pages, and as long as these pages are not read by the Exchange server you will never know these pages are corrupt. Suppose somebody is on a one year sabbatical leave and his mailbox data is never accessed, corrupt pages can exists for this period of time without being noticed.
    So you have to check the offline copy for any inconsistencies using the ESEUTIL tool with the /K option:
    K:\backup>eseutil /k "mailbox database.edb"
    Extensible Storage Engine Utilities for Microsoft(R) Exchange Server
    Version 08.01
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

    Initiating CHECKSUM mode...
            Database: mailbox database.edb
      Temp. Database: TEMPCHKSUM5592.EDB

    File: mailbox database.edb

                         Checksum Status (% complete)e)

              0    10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90  1000000

    1282 pages seen
    0 bad checksums
    0 correctable checksums
    388 uninitialized pages
    0 wrong page numbers
    0x7dd5 highest dbtime (pgno 0x193)

    161 reads performed
    10 MB read
    1 seconds taken
    10 MB/second
    17350 milliseconds used
    107 milliseconds per read
    280 milliseconds for the slowest read
    0 milliseconds for the fastest read

    Operation completed successfully in 0.471 seconds.
    When using the /K option all pages in the database are read and their checksum information is read and checked. When everything is ok, you can safely continue.
    Note. Starting with Exchange Server 2003 Service Pack 1 Exchange has error correcting code for checksum errors. If a certain page contains a checksum error, which is usually caused by only one bit being “flipped”, Exchange Server can automatically correct this bit. When the page is flushed to disk the error is automatically corrected. Please check the Microsoft kb article 867626 (Microsoft kb article 867626) for more background information regarding this change.

     Offline Restore

    When something happens we have to restore the offline backup on the Exchange server. An offline restore requires the following steps.
    1. Copy the offline backup mailbox file to the correct location<
    2. Replay the log files
    3. Mount the database
    Now remember the first part of this article. If we leave the checkpoint file in its original location the Exchange Server will check this file and will determine that no replay is needed and the copy of the database will be mounted.
    If we delete the checkpoint file the Exchange Server will start replaying log files from the oldest log file available. This will result in all information after the offline backup being replayed into the copy of the database. The result will be a complete up-to-date database.
    If you check the event log of the Exchange server you can see which log files were replayed. For every log file an entry is logged with ID 301 from the ESE Source.

    Figure 2. Log file replay events in the event viewer
    Besides just mounting the database it is also possible to replay the log files into the database manually using the ESEUTIL tool. This can be achieved using the /R option for Recovery.
    L:\sg1>eseutil /R E00 /i /dK:\SG1

    Extensible Storage Engine Utilities for Microsoft(R) Exchange Server
    Version 08.01
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

    Initiating RECOVERY mode...
        Logfile base name: E00
                Log files: t;t;
             System files: t;t;
       Database Directory: K:\SG1

    Performing soft recovery...
                          Restore Status (% complete)

              0    10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90  100

    Operation completed successfully in 5.819 seconds.

    Note. the drive letter K: immediately follows the /d option, there’s no space in between.

    Online Maintenance

    There’s an internal process in the Exchange server that’s responsible for the maintenance of the mailbox database. This is called the online maintenance, or OLM. OLM runs every night, by default between 1 am and 5 am. Online maintenance consists of 10 tasks that are performed during this period. Five of them are specifically for the Public Folder database and five of them are for the Public Folder database and the mailbox database. I want to highlight two of them in this article:
    OLM checks the mailbox database for deleted messages that are beyond their retention time. If there are, they are fully deleted from the database and their pages are freed up (that is, marked as “white space”). OLM is also responsible for permanently deleting mailboxes that are beyond their retention time. If messages and mailboxes are beyond their retention time they are really gone, the only way to get these back is by restoring an old backup of the mailbox database. Archiving solutions can help here, but they are out of the scope of this article. When the mailboxes and messages are permanently deleted the pages they used are freed up and available for new messages. But the free pages are scattered across the database. The OLM also performs an online defragmentation of the database file by consolidating freed up pages from the previous step and if possible, placing them in one contiguous block of free data. This makes the addition of new data to the database more efficient since the data doesn’t have to be split and separated across multiple segments of the database.
    Online Maintenance is a very disk intensive application and it should be monitored very closely. If the Exchange server cannot finish the OLM in the designated timeframe errors are logged in the event log. Carefully examine these errors and check what causes them.
    Make sure that no other processes are working with the mailbox database at the same time. Typically maintenance processes are scheduled at night, such as backups or archiving. I will cover online backups in the next article in this series. The movement of large numbers of mailboxes, which is also often scheduled during the night, will also have a negative impact on the OLM.
    For a complete overview of the online maintenance please visit the Microsoft Exchange team blog
    Key take-a-way: Online Maintenance is responsible for online defragmentation; it defragments inside the database only. This does not result in a decrease of the physical size of the mailbox database.

     Offline defragmentation

    Please note that offline defragmentation should never be considered a part of normal maintenance of an Exchange database. Only if your free space exceeds 30% of your total database size, or if you are told to do a defragmentation by Microsoft Customer Support Services, should you consider doing an offline defragmentation.
    While the online maintenance does defragmentation within in the database, it does not compact the database in physical size. If you have a 100 GB database and it has only 10 GB of data in it, the online maintenance will eventually free up 90 GB within the database (it will be marked as “white space” or “available space” within the logical tables of the database). The file “mailbox database.edb” as it resides on disk still remains 100 GB. To compact the database we have to perform an offline defragmentation. This can only be done using the ESEUTIL tool with the /d option. As the name implies, this has to be done when the database is offline.
    K:\sg1>eseutil /d "mailbox database.edb"

    Extensible Storage Engine Utilities for Microsoft(R) Exchange Server
    Version 08.01
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

    Initiating DEFRAGMENTATION mode...
                Database: mailbox database.edb

                      Defragmentation Status (% complete)

              0    10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90  100000000

    Moving 'TEMPDFRG2256.EDB' to 'Mailbox Database.edb'... DONE!

      It is recommended that you immediately perform a full backup
      of this database. If you restore a backup made before the
      defragmentation, the database will be rolled back to the state
      it was in at the time of that backup.

    Operation completed successfully in 8.913 seconds.

    If you look closely at this output you can already see what happens during an offline defragmentation. A new mailbox database file is created is with a random name, in this case TEMPDFRG2256.EDB. The data from the original mailbox database is copied to this temporary database. Of course existing white space in the original database is not copied to the new database. When finished copying the temporary file is renamed to the original file and is now called “mailbox database.edb”. So this is a new file, containing only the database that resided in the original file. In the previous example with the 100 GB database with only 10 GB of data, when an offline defragmentation is performed we will be left with a new 10 GB database. There is some overhead in this, so the sizing can vary +/- 10%.
    You must realise that this is a new database with new signatures etc. so there is no possibility of recovering theto recover data in existing log files into this new database. This is the reason you should make a new backup immediately after performing an offline defragmentation.
    Please note that if you do not redirect the temporary file created by Offline Defragmentation, the disk volume containing the Exchange mailbox database should have at least 110% of the size of the mailbox database for available disk space.
    In the Exchange Server 5.5 timeframe it was a best practice to perform an offline defragmentation every months. This would create a new database with new tables, indices etc. Microsoft has spent a tremendous amount of development in the database engine. Nowadays the database engine is that good and stable that an offline defrag has only to be performed after a repair action, or when large amounts of data can be freed up. This can be the case after the deletion of a large number of mailboxes or after moving a lot of mailboxes to another database.

    Worst case scenario: Repairing your database

    The worst thing that can happen when running Exchange is that your server crashes and your database refuses to mount. After checking if the Information Store is running and maybe rebooting the server it still won’t mount and the following error is raised:

      Figure 3 - Error message when the database won't mount after a crash
    In this example one of the log files needed for the mounting process is not available anymore (I deleted one of these log files for demonstration). If this occurs it can be checked by comparing the values in the “logs needed” section of the database header against the actual log files that are on disk.
    So now we have a database that is not consistent anymore and that has to be fixed before it can be used again. To accomplish the ESEUTIL tool should be used again but now with the /P option (for repair).
    Note. Only perform this step when you have made a copy of all databases, log files and checkpoint file and placed them in a safe location. Performing a repair action can result in data loss!
    When you enter this command an error is raised stating that if you continue information might be lost. What actually happens is that ESEUTIL checks all information in the database and it checks all tables and pointers. If pointers do not point to the correct location, or information in this location cannot be read, the pointer is deleted and the index entry is cleaned up. All information that the pointer points to will be lost!
    K:\sg1>eseutil /p "mailbox database.edb"

    Extensible Storage Engine Utilities for Microsoft(R) Exchange Server
    Version 08.01
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

    Initiating REPAIR mode...
            Database: mailbox database.edb
      Temp. Database: TEMPREPAIR1888.EDB

    Checking database integrity.

    The database is not up-to-date. This operation may find that
    this database is corrupt because data from the log files has
    yet to be placed in the database.

    To ensure the database is up-to-date please use the 'Recovery' operation.

                         Scanning Status (% complete)

              0    10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90  100

    Integrity check successful.

      It is recommended that you immediately perform a full backup
      of this database. If you restore a backup made before the
      repair, the database will be rolled back to the state
      it was in at the time of that backup.

    Operation completed successfully in 150.747 seconds.

    At the end of this operation you will have a database that is in a consistent state, but indexes in the database might be non-contiguous and thus less efficient..As a Microsoft best-practice an offline defragmentation should be performed after a database repair.  This will create a new database, with the existing data but with new tables, indices etc. Both ESEUTIL /P and ESEUTIL /D will fix issues on a low (database) level but not on an application level. After performing a repair and on offline defragmentation on your database you have to run the ISINTEG tool. This will check the database on an application (=logical) level and if issues are found fix them. When completely finished do not forget to backup your database immediately.
    Note. Perform these steps only if you have backed up the database(s), log files and the checkpoint file since performing a repair action can lead to data loss!
    To be 100% sure that all issues are fixed on all levels you can create a new mailbox database and move all mailboxes from the repaired database to the new database. When all mailboxes are moved you can delete the repaired database. But please be aware that a repair action with ESEUTIL can delete data, so despite all activities there might be circumstances that end users mail can be lost. Unfortunately it is not predictable what and how much will be lost.
    You can find more information on the Microsoft website: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa997152(EXCHG.80).aspx and http://msexchangeteam.com/archive/2004/06/18/159413.aspx
    Note. Of course it is also possible to restore a backup of the database and recover the existing log files up to the point of the missing log files. If possible this is most likely the best and fastest option you will have.
    When using ESEUTIL, there is one very important issue. ESEUTIL is very powerful, but not very fast. Depending on the hardware in use for the Exchange server, as a rule of thumb ESEUTIL will process the Exchange database with a rate of between 5 GB/hour and 10 GB/hour. When you have a 250 GB Exchange database, a repair action on your database would take 25 hours or longer to complete A following offline defragmentation can also take up to 25 hours, so you will see an outage of at least 50 hours. I don’t take the ISINTEG tool and moving the mailboxes to a complete new database into account, but I’m pretty confident that this will not match your Service Level Agreement (SLA). On an Exchange server using a single copy database, i.e. a single server or a single copy cluster, it is best to use a maximum database size of 50 GB. This will keep your database in a manageable state from a service level point of view.
    So why does Microsoft suggest using a maximum 200 GB database size in an Exchange Server 2007 Continuous Cluster Replication  (CCR) environment? As explained in my first article, you have an extra copy of your database available in your Exchange 2007 cluster. So when the database of the active node crashes and is beyond recovery (i.e. cannot be mounted anymore) the passive copy will take over and start servicing your (Outlook) clients. When this happens you have time to start investigating the broken node of your cluster and repair it. You are not tied to the 5 GB/hour processing time of ESEUTIL, which ought to make you more comfortable with your Service Level Agreement.


    Exchange Server stores information in a database and uses log files for transactional processing. This way it is always possible to recover data when the database is lost, if you have backed up the database. The tool for database maintenance is ESEUTIL. Using ESEUTIL you can check your database, recover data from the log files and replay it into your database or repair your database when it’s corrupt.
    When you need to compact your database, for example after you deleted or moved multiple mailboxes, you have to perform an offline defragmentation, but remember to create a new backup after performing an offline defragmentation.
    One important thing to remember is the checkpoint file. Although a tiny file only 8KB in size it has a major impact on the results when either recovering data using ESEUTIL or mounting the database in the Exchange Management Console.
    When you run into issues in your test environment that isn’t a problem. You can and you should start working with database and ESETUIL to see what exactly happens in the different scenarios. Make sure you fully understand (and document!) all the necessary steps for a successful recovery when you lose your database. However, do this in your TEST environment, not in your live/production environment.
    When problems happen in your production environment and you face a major outage, ask Microsoft Customer Support for help. Microsoft CSS will guide you through a successful recovery, but when you have some experience in your test environment you know at least what’s happening and why Microsoft Customer Support asks you to perform the various steps.
    In my last article I will talk about online backups and VSS backups and explain the differences between these and the steps documented in this article.


    Written by by Jaap Wesselius
    22 September 2008 Jaap Wesselius

    24 Aug 2010

    Eseutil /r - Error 528 - Exchange DB recovery

    While try to recover priv1.edb and pub1.edb

    c:\\Program Files\Exchsrvr\MDBDATA>"c:\\Program Files\Exchsrvr\bin\Eseutil" /r e00

    Initiating RECOVERY mode...
    Logfile base name: e00
    Log files:
    System files:

    Performing soft recovery...

    Operation terminated with error -528 Current log file missing> after xxx seconds

    Missing valid Exx.log files

    1. Look folder c:\\Program Files\Exchsrvr\MDBDATA2. Copy last E000xxx.log, E00.log and E00.chk to other place
    3. Delete E00.log
    4. Rename last E000xxx.log to E00.log

    5. Execute
    c:\\Program Files\Exchsrvr\MDBDATA>"c:\\Program Files\Exchsrvr\bin\Eseutil" /r e00
    5. You may need this procedures with following order:
    c:\\Program Files\Exchsrvr\MDBDATA>"c:\\Program Files\Exchsrvr\bin\Eseutil" /g
    c:\\Program Files\Exchsrvr\MDBDATA>"c:\\Program Files\Exchsrvr\bin\Eseutil" /p
    c:\\Program Files\Exchsrvr\MDBDATA>"c:\\Program Files\Exchsrvr\bin\Eseutil" /d 

    Copy from http://iwan-it-admin-tips.blogspot.com/2009/01/eseutil-error-528.html 

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