26 Jul 2010

Enable SSH in ESXi 4.0

By default SSH is disabled in ESXi however you can enable it by follow these steps:

  1. At the Administration Windows press Alt+F1. You will get a black screen
  2. Type the word unsupported and press Enter
  3. Enter your root password and press Enter, you will get a prompt
  4. Change directory into /etc
    #cd /etc
  5. Open inetd.conf in vi
    #vi inetd.conf
  6. arrow down until you see #ssh stream tcp…
  7. With the cursor on the # type x to delete the #
  8. Type :wq! to exit vi and save your changes
  9. Restart host or restart inetd process

Restart inetd process

    • Now we need to find the process running inetd. To do that run the following command
      #ps -a grep inetd
    • Find the process number, lets pretend it is 1234. Run the following command to kill the inetd process
      #kill 1234
    • Now we need to start inetd again
    • #inetd
    • You then will be able to access host via SSH

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