20 Sept 2009

Change IP of JetDirect 170X - Howto

If JetDirect 170x has been used on a real network then the address will almost certainly have been changed. You can get it back to the default address by doing a cold reset. Unplug the power cord, then hold down the TEST button for 5 to 30 seconds while plugging in the power cord. The default address after reset is so you need a crossover cable if you are plugging the JetDirect into a PC, and a normal cable if using hub or switch.

How to check the current IP: attach a PCL compatible printer, press the test button on the 170X and this should tell you what IP address the 170X currently has.

Change IP (You may can not see what you typed in telnet windows but don't worry just go ahead. It will be displayed after you press Enter :-))

C:\> telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
HP JetDirect
Please type "?" for HELP, or "/" for current settings
> /
===JetDirect Telnet Configuration===
Firmware Rev.   : F.08.20
MAC Address     : 00:01:e6:28:03:e0
Config By       : USER SPECIFIED 
IP Address      :
Subnet Mask     :
Default Gateway :
Syslog Server   : Not Specified
Idle Timeout    : 90 Seconds
Set Cmnty Name  : Not Specified
Host Name       : Not Specified
DHCP Config     : Disabled 
Passwd          : Disabled 
IPX/SPX         : Disabled 
DLC/LLC         : Disabled 
Banner page     : Enabled 
> ?
To Change/Configure Parameters Enter: 
Parameter-name: value 
Parameter-name  Type of value 
ip:             IP-address in dotted notation 
subnet-mask:    address in dotted notation (enter 0 for default) 
default-gw:     address in dotted notation (enter 0 for default) 
syslog-svr:     address in dotted notation (enter 0 for default) 
idle-timeout:   seconds in integers 
set-cmnty-name: alpha-numeric string (32 chars max) 
host-name:      alpha-numeric string (upper case only, 32 chars max) 
dhcp-config:    0 to disable, 1 to enable 
allow:           [mask] (0 to clear, list to display, 10 max) 
addrawport:      ( 3000-9000) 
listrawport:    (No parameter required) 
ipx/spx:        0 to disable, 1 to enable 
dlc/llc:        0 to disable, 1 to enable 
banner:         0 to disable, 1 to enable 
Type passwd to change the password.
Type "?" for HELP, "/" for current settings or "quit" to save-and-exit.
Or type "exit" to exit without saving configuration parameter entries 

Let's change the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway:
> ip:
> subnet-mask:
> default-gw:

Type quit to save the changes:

> quit
===JetDirect Parameters Configured===
IP Address      :
Subnet Mask     :
Default Gateway :
Syslog Server   : Not Specified
Idle Timeout    : 90 Seconds
Set Cmnty Name  : Not Specified
Host Name       : Not Specified
DHCP Config     : Disabled
Passwd          : Disabled
IPX/SPX         : Disabled
DLC/LLC         : Disabled
Banner page     : Enabled
User Quitting
Connection closed by foreign host.

Test the new configuration:

C:\> telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
HP JetDirect
Please type "?" for HELP, or "/" for current settings

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