20 Nov 2009

Shrink SQL 2000 log file


DBCC SHRINKFILE(MyDatabaseName_log, FileSize)

(where MyDatabaseName_log is the logical file name, and is the target size in MB)

The log file has now been shrunk.

Note that the log file will start expanding in normal operation, depending on the way the database is defined. Make sure that the transaction log file is big enough to store all transactions for the normal period between backups. Makes sure that you take peak system loads into consideration when determining the target size.

Regular log file maintenance
In normal operation, you would normally never shrink the log file. Regularly backing up the log file will remove the data used in it, and maintain free space for new transaction.

22 Oct 2009

Sharepoint - How to change the Maximum File Upload Size

How to change the Maximum File Upload Size

By default SharePoint allows a maximum file size of 50MB that can be uploaded into any document library. This might be too much as you might not want users downloading 50MB files over your LAN/WAN. To change the maximum file size
1. Goto SharePoint Central Administration > Configure Virtual Server Settings from Virtual Server List Page.
2. Select your server
3. Goto Virtual Server General Settings (in Virtual Server Management)
4. Change the value of the Maximum Upload Size in MB's.

If you increase the file size limit, your site might occassionally time out for users while they are uploading files. To accomodate this increase the default time out property for IIS.

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